"To Prevent the Increase of Feeble-Mindedness" - The Impact of the Sterilization Law in Elementary Schools in Turku during 1935-1970


  • Susanna Agge Turun yliopisto


The aim of this article is to investigate the Sterilization Law (No 227/1935) as a form of racial hygiene policy which was valid in Finland from 1935 to 1970. The study concentrates on the impact of the forced sterilization law in elementary schools in Turku. One section of this law (No 228/1935, 7§) obligated the inspector of elementary school to notify the Health Care Board of the“feeble-minded” and “witless” pupils, who had been exempted from participation to compulsory education. Although the inspector notified to the Board of 78 such pupils, none of the notifications were sent to the Central Government of Medicine, which means that none of the 78 pupils were sterilized. These notifications investigated here were short lists including names, ages, addresses, custodian names and professions of the exempted pupils. From the whole group only 13 children were medically diagnosed. Despite the fact that the law obligated the Health Care Board to consider the sterilization of these pupils, there is no record of such consideration.



How to Cite

Agge, S. (2014). "To Prevent the Increase of Feeble-Mindedness" - The Impact of the Sterilization Law in Elementary Schools in Turku during 1935-1970. Kasvatus & Aika, 8(4). Retrieved from https://journal.fi/kasvatusjaaika/article/view/68675