Steiner education in relation to the concept of Bildung


  • Jan-Erik Mansikka Helsingin yliopisto
  • Jarno Paalasmaa Tampereen yliopisto


We deal with the concept of Bildung, from a somewhat alternative standpoint, by turning attention to some of the epistemological and philosophical starting points of Steiner education. In light of our Western tradition of Bildung, in what way can practice within Steiner education be viewed? By comparing William Dilthey’s and Rudolf Steiner’s concepts of Geisteswissenschaft, we discuss similarities and differences between their epistemological views. Dilthey’s concept of Geisteswissenschaft lays the foundation for modern human sciences, whereas Steiner’s concept has explicit connections with certain classical conceptions of Bildung, where the interconnection between the self and the world is seen in a monistic and spiritual light. We then highlight three dimensions of practical activity in Steiner education, where influences from his epistemological position can be seen, namely conceptions of individuality, artistic activity and the human relation to nature.




How to Cite

Mansikka, J.-E., & Paalasmaa, J. (2018). Steiner education in relation to the concept of Bildung. Kasvatus & Aika, 12(1). Retrieved from