The feel of books in reading practices


  • Anna Kajander Helsingin yliopisto


What meanings are attached to books as objects, and how have different objects affected book-reading practices? To answer these questions, I analyzed 50 texts from the “Life as a Reader” archive material. My analysis draws on ethnological cultural analysis and studies in material culture and shows that printed books are seen as objects with several roles, e.g., as mementos, decoration, gifts, etc. Likewise, sensory aspects, such as the smell and feel of books, were mentioned as attributes that improved reading experiences, as they reflected meanings attached to the notion of literature and the act of meaning. Bookshelves were also an important part of reading practices and were connected to themes such as atmosphere and ownership. E-books were described differently and did not carry similar cultural meanings. They were chosen for studying or for reading outside the home. Often, e-devices were not used for leisure reading. Although they were seen as easily accessible, such devices were also viewed essentially as carriers of text. E-books in particular were chosen for practicality.




How to Cite

Kajander, A. (2018). The feel of books in reading practices. Kasvatus & Aika, 12(2), 36–49. Retrieved from