Pyhä kulttuuriperintö?

Uskonnollisen musiikin merkitysten tuottamisen tapoja suomalaisen koulun opetussuunnitelmissa


  • Suvi-Iina Salonen Jyväskylän yliopisto, Musiikin, taiteen ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen laitos


kulttuuriperintö, musiikinopetus, laulunopetus, musiikkikasvatus, kansakoulu, peruskoulu, laclaulainen diskurssianalyysi, opetussuunnitelmatutkimus, uskonnollisuus, monikulttuurisuus, virret


Religious music as part of Finnish elementary school activities has been talked about extensively in recent years. In the backgroundthis article is the need for discussion regarding the role of religious music in Finnish elementary school education, driven by societal change. The history of music education in Finlands significantly religious and nationalist, which is whye roots of the debate concerning the role of religious music of our time must be partly sought fromhe past. The data of this article covers Finnish national core curriculums from 1925 to 2014. The data were analysed using laclauian discourse analysis, through which the ways of producing the hegemonic status of religious music were revealed. The main results are that the purposes assigned to music as subject in the national core curriculums of 1925, 1952, 1970 and 1980 were structured, as well as the change in the articulations through which religious music is talked about. The change of the articulations is built on layers through the curriculum periods, producing the importance of religious music as Finnish cultural heritage.




How to Cite

Salonen, S.-I. (2021). Pyhä kulttuuriperintö? Uskonnollisen musiikin merkitysten tuottamisen tapoja suomalaisen koulun opetussuunnitelmissa. Kasvatus & Aika, 15(2), 43–59.