What factors predict receiving full or partial disability pension after rejection?


  • Auli Airila Varma
  • Tiia Reho
  • Kirsi Karvala
  • Petri Määttä
  • Sami Hårdh
  • Riku Louhimo


work disability, disability pension, rejected disability pension, pension types


Almost half of disability pension applications in Finland are rejected. Nearly all rejectees nonetheless show some level of impaired work ability and many of the rejectees therefore reapply. However, we know little of the population factors that differentiate successful from unsuccessful reapplications, particularly in different pension types.

We used register-based data to study the applicants whose disability pension application was rejected in a two-year follow-up. Specifically, we examined the characteristics that predicted disability pension after an initial rejection and compared differences between full and partial disability pension.

Data (n=4724) comprises disability pension applications that were rejected at one of the Finnish pension insurance companies between Jan 2017 and June 2019, and the new applications of the rejectees until June 2021. We used logistic models to compare applicants' disability pension status during follow-up. During the two-year follow-up, 15% of the study group received a full or a partial disability pension.

Older age, male, diagnoses other than musculoskeletal disorders as well as prior work-related pension benefits increased the odds of full disability pension during follow-up.

In our analysis of partial disability pension, older age, employment at the time of pension contingency and prior benefits increased the odds of a successful application. In addition, applicants with mental disorders were less likely than others to receive partial disability pension during follow-up.

Our study shows that 15% of the applicants were granted disability pension as soon as two years after the initial rejection. The factors related to receiving a disability pension partially differed between pension types. Measures supporting work ability should be employed early to enable applicants to remain working.




How to Cite

Airila, A., Reho, T., Karvala, K., Määttä, P., Hårdh, S., & Louhimo, R. (2024). What factors predict receiving full or partial disability pension after rejection?. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 61(2). https://doi.org/10.23990/sa.127152