Considerations for a Holistic Orientation in Teacher Education

The Importance of Student Teachers' Personal Identity


  • Katariina Stenberg Helsingin yliopisto
  • Katriina Maaranen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Anni Loukomies Helsingin yliopisto


holistic teacher education, bildung, personal identity, beliefs, self-reflection, reflection


In this article, we propose a holistic orientation in teacher education that takes into account the personal identity of the student teacher. Holistic orientation is based on Lauri Rauhala's holistic concept of humanity, in which situationality is significant for identity construction. Based on the dialogical self theory, identity is seen as constructed through different I-positions. The data for this case study consists of interviews with primary school student teachers, who are questioning their career choice. The data illustrate the predominant role of student teachers' personal identity and situationality in the process of constructing their teacher identity. We suggest that teacher education should support the bildung process of student teachers and thus student teachers should have the opportunity for self-reflection to identify and critically examine beliefs that arise from personal identity to understand how they limit and enable introspection of different phenomena in the world, together with deepening understanding and attaining wisdom, critical thinking and dialogue with theory and practice.




How to Cite

Stenberg, K., Maaranen, K., & Loukomies, A. (2024). Considerations for a Holistic Orientation in Teacher Education: The Importance of Student Teachers’ Personal Identity. Kasvatus & Aika, 18(2), 7–23.