Making the future together


  • Eeva-Mari Miettinen Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu


participation, future orientation, young people, social pedagogy


This article describes Making my future (Interreg Central Baltic 2019–2021) project as social pedagogical work and action. The aim of ”Mamyfu” has been enhancing participation and emphasizing the meaningfulness of positive future orientation in
insecure state of life and societal conditions. The time of emerging adulthood (ages of 17 to 25) is a period when the future is shaping up by the choices the  young make for their education, family and work life. ”Mamyfu” has brought together 35 young and 10 professionals from Estonia, Latvia, and Finland. The project consisted mainly of three intensive weeks organized during 2020–2021 with pre- and  postactivities where young people collaborated in multicultural groups and in their own communities. Social pedagogical theory and thinking has formed a base for the objectives and approaches of the project. During the project, photo voice, improvisation, drama and game-designing were the most important action and creativity-oriented methods used.




How to Cite

Miettinen, E.-M. (2021). Making the future together. Sosiaalipedagogiikka, 22, 177–188.