Talouden pedagogisoinnista: luonnostelua vastuun ottamiseksi performatiivisesta taloustiedosta


  • Tuomo Alhojärvi


economy, democratisation, performativity, pedagogy


Towards a Pedagogy of the Economy: Thoughts on Taking Responsibility for Performative Economic Knowledge


In this review, I set out to explore the idea of creating a pedagogical approach to the economy as a tool for making visible and malleable the power relations related to economic knowledge. The review stems from a personal desire to support the development of new, democratically organized forms of economic action (see Jakonen & Silvasti 2015) and from academic discussions around the concept of economic performativity. Performativity offers interesting routes for studying economic representations, for understanding economic norms and conventions, and for dismantling economic power. I view performativity as an ontological turn that gives rise to a practical problem: how economic knowledge socializes individuals and molds their behavior. The creation of a pedagogical approach to the economy is, in my view, an attempt to provide solutions to this problem. As a basis for such a project, I use the ideas developed by five theorists of education (and of the economy): Jacques Rancière, bell hooks, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Gert Biesta, and J.K. Gibson-Graham. As a result, a more diverse set of tools is offered for criticizing the hierarchies of economic knowledge and action. In addition, the possibilities for democratizing the economy are widened. This approach offers interesting challenges for the practice of social pedagogy.




How to Cite

Alhojärvi, T. (2015). Talouden pedagogisoinnista: luonnostelua vastuun ottamiseksi performatiivisesta taloustiedosta. Sosiaalipedagogiikka, 16, 145–164. https://doi.org/10.30675/sa.122655