Ikämiehille hyvinvointia kulttuurista (IHKU) -hankkeen Velmut-toiminta sosiaalipedagogisen työotteen näkökulmasta
social pedagogical working approach, cultural well-being, outreach work with older adultsAbstract
In this practice description, we examine North Karelian Society for Social Security’s Ikämiehille hyvinvointia kulttuurista (IHKU) project and its Velmut group activity within the context of theoretical analysis of social pedagogical working approach. Financed with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s, the project’s goal is to develop new kinds of operational models for utilising culture in a way that helps decrease the sense of loneliness experienced by older men while promoting their quality of life through means of cultural well-being. The characteristics of the social pedagogical approach to work help analyse Velmut activity from a theoretical standpoint. The practice description acts as a template for a to-do-list which can then be utilised in the design and evaluation of social-pedagogically oriented activities.