Näkyväksi tulevia nuoria
Etsivän nuorisotyön Akku-ryhmätoiminta mielen hyvinvoinnin tukena ja ehkäisevän päihdetyön toimintamallina
sosiaalipedagogiikka, etsivä työ, ryhmätoiminta, ehkäisevä päihdetyö, mielen hyvinvointiAbstract
In this text we examine the Akku-group of the outreach youth work at Youth Services in city of Jyväskylä. Akku-group means activity-based, open group activity and it is targeted at 15-20-year-old young adults.
The objective of the outreach youth work is to promote the societal share for youngsters who have problems with finding a study or a work place. The work is often individually orientated, which makes the Akku-activity exceptional. The objective of the activity is to support the daily life of young adults.
Akku provides a group that gives psychosocial support, enables the sense of solidarity, participation and community, and strengthens the social readiness by giving opportunities for interaction. The activity improves mental health and promotes sobriety, and it strengthens protective factors that prevent substance abuse and mental health problems.
The results show that there are multiple social pedagogical principles in Akkuactivities, and that social pedagogy is the leading framework of the activity. Many core concepts, such as dialog, pedagogical relation, community, participation, activity-based method, and motivation, are applied in the activities. The realization model of Akku-group and the unclear practices in observing the objectives still need more development work. There is demand for this kind of an activity in the outreach youth work.