Engaged Pedagogy in Physical Education

A Case of School Sports Clubs


  • Satu Lehto Helsingin yliopisto


bell hooks, engaged pedagogy, sports pedagogy, school's sports clubs, participation promotion


The threat of marginalization has directed social debate to equality and prevention by way of resource allocation, e.g., to sports clubs. This research material was gathered from elementary school sports clubs created for children who had no organised physical activities at the moment. The aim of the study was to examine the process that encourages children’s participation and inclusion in the context of physical activity. What aspects in sports club activities contributed to children experiencing them as pleasant exercises? In addition to direct observation, I used bell hook’s engaged pedagogy that has as its goal the creation of an equal learning community. Sports club activities appeared to be an opportune environment to support inclusion. Sports Clubs’ equal and safe atmosphere encouraged children to express their opinions and take an active role in club activities and supported a culture of collaboration.





How to Cite

Lehto, S. (2018). Engaged Pedagogy in Physical Education: A Case of School Sports Clubs. Sosiaalipedagogiikka, 19, 59–81. https://doi.org/10.30675/sa.70187